unit 0 - present perfect /past perfect /simple past unit 1 - defining and non defining relative clauses. key to defining and non defining relative clauses grammar rephrasing 1 paegpaeg paeg 1: key to conditionals and wish rephrasing …
SET 4 ANSWERS MIXED TENSES.pdf PRACTICE USED TO.pdf CONDITIONAL SENTENCES PRACTICE.doc WORD FORMATION TEST 1.pdf. A set of useful rephrasing exercises to practise the conditional. Example: 1. In your position I should complain to the manager. If 2.They didn't invite her REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014 (have) lots of money, I ______ (buy) a new one straight away, but I can't afford to do 2) CONDITIONALS:. 1 Dic 2014 En este post podéis realizar ejercicios de rephrasing (rephrasing exercises) para practicar los diferentes tipos de oraciones condicionales (conditional sentences). bachillerato ya que son muy similares a los ejercicios de rephrasing de selectividad (paeg) 1. poner mayúscula sólo cuando corresponda 1º BACHILLERATO (curso 16/17) UNIT 1 - revision of Tenses: Present and Past Simple and Continuous MODAL VERBS II: exercises + solutions pdf MODAL VERBS_ REPHRASING (en el margen izquierdo hay que hacer los enlaces que ponen MODAL VERBS 1,2,3 y4) CONDITIONALS MIXED 1-2-3 ( compulsory) Zero Conditional. We use the Zero Conditional (If + Present Simple, Present. Simple) to talk about facts, rules and situations which are always true (one thing 29 Mar 2012 REPHRASING FOR 2º BACHILLERATO WITH ANSWERS. REPHRASING SOLUTIONS: REPHRASING FOR PAU EXAM (Conditional Sentence). - If I had a www.youtube.com/RepasaDesdeCasa?sub_confirmation=1.
unit 0 - present perfect /past perfect /simple past unit 1 - defining and non defining relative clauses. key to defining and non defining relative clauses grammar rephrasing 1 paegpaeg paeg 1: key to conditionals and wish rephrasing … FCE (B2): REPHRASING Rephrasing (transformation) types in the FCE exam In this part of the exam you have six sentences to complete. You need to read the first sentence in each question. From this you need to look at the second Conditionals … REPHRASING | Clase de José Angel Jan 10, 2016 · REPHRASING INDEFINITE PRONOUNS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words. 1.- There was … PDF DATABASE - Material didáctico en PDF: REPHRASING ...
STARTER UNIT + UNIT 1 / Basic tenses and Rephrase Practice; Basic tenses and Rephrase Practice. Haga clic en Basic_tenses_rephrase_practice_Unit_1_KEY.pdf para ver el archivo. … (PDF) Rephrasing Exercises. Exercices de Reformulation ... The exercises presented in this teaching document are commonly known as "rephrasing" or "rewording" exercises. Most of the time, we think of translation between different languages, … Curso de inglés gratis: Ejercicios de rephrasing ... En este post podéis realizar ejercicios de rephrasing (rephrasing exercises) para practicar los diferentes tipos de oraciones condicionales (conditional sentences): condicional tipo 0, …
1 Dic 2014 En este post podéis realizar ejercicios de rephrasing (rephrasing exercises) para practicar los diferentes tipos de oraciones condicionales (conditional sentences). bachillerato ya que son muy similares a los ejercicios de rephrasing de selectividad (paeg) 1. poner mayúscula sólo cuando corresponda
1 REPHRASING 1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. - She has 2. I don’t have a computer so I can’t type the essay on English grammar. - If 3. Despite having been vaccinated … 1º C BACHILLERATO - blogdeinglés 1º C BACHILLERATO. 3º C CFGS. Prueba de Acceso a Grado Superior. Mapa del sitio. 1º C BACHILLERATO. new . MODALS REPHRASING.pdf (6k) Elena MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Rephrasing conditionals. feb 13.doc (21k) Elena MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, 22 feb. 2013 0:21. v.1. REPHRASING EXERCISES (Units 1-6) 2º BACHILLERATO REPHRASING EXERCISES 2º BACHILLERATO ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICES: Infinitivo Activo > Pasivo I don’t like people to criticise me (I don’t like to…) He expects us to pay him for the CDs …